We are immensely proud of our prize-winning herd.
There have been cattle here ever since our family first bought land in the area, but in the early years these were bred primarily for home consumption. The herd of Aberdeen Angus at Estancia Los Potreros are now part of a commercial operation and the bloodstock has been improved over the years to produce an animal that calves easily and thrives on the poorer winter grass. The cattle have gained a tremendous reputation in the local sales, regularly setting local and provincial records, and recently winning a ‘Best in Sales’ award.
The cattle are overseen by the gauchos, using our horses for herding and working in the corrals. Each gaucho carries a ‘rebenque’ or cattle whip when he's working, which is used to make a sound that encourages the cattle to move. He also carries a ‘facon’ or gaucho knife, used for a multitude of purposes, from taking a stone from a horse's hoof, to eating his beef.
The annual branding, in preparation for the sales or ‘yerra,’ is the absolute highlight of the year for the gauchos, and for us. This is when they have the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess with a lasso, over a long weekend of hard work and camaraderie, followed by the traditional ‘fiesta’. The yerra has long been an important event in the rural community. If you're here when it happens, consider yourself invited.